Special instructions for photo history galleries

Introduction These galleries are in the Photographic History section of the web site. The images that appear in each gallery are sorted based on the title of each image. The images have been assigned a number which appears at the beginning of the title and the numbers have been assigned so that the images appear […]

Image gallery overview

Introduction There are over 50 galleries on this web site. Most of these are “Record of Service Cards” and “Photographic History” galleries. There are two types of photo galleries on this site: Image galleries Each gallery is defined by the settings in the FOOGallery plugin and the “media category” setting for an image determines the […]

Editing image titles, captions and ‘media categories’

Introduction All images are stored in the Media Library. (Detailed information on the Media Library screen is HERE.) Our Media Library also houses audio and video files as well as documents (PDF files and Word documents) but this Knowledge Base article only deals with images. Select image From the dashboard, click on Media, then Library. […]

Media Library

All images on the web site are stored in the “Media Library” which is a folder on the web server. To see all images on the web site, go to the Dashboard and click on Media then click Library. There are two display formats available: list and grid. Click on one of the two icons […]

Replacing an image

Background Each time you upload an image to the database, that image is stored in the “Media library”. So if you want to replace an image that is attached to an Item or a Soldier, the replacement image will NOT overwrite the original image even if the image file names are the same. Instead a […]

Adding images

Media Library Where images are stored All images are stored in the Media Library. Our Media Library also houses audio and video files as well as documents (PDF files and Word documents) but this Knowledge Base article only deals with images. Types of images This topic deals only with photographic images and PDF files. Generally, […]

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