Project Memorials

This page shows all of the memorials created by the Project Team. Click HERE to see a dynamic map of all of the memorials.

If you are going to visit some or all of the memorials, we can help. On the page for each memorial is a QR code. You can scan this code to see the location of the memorial in your maps app. If you have a GPS device, click HERE to download a file which will enable you to load the “points of interest” for all the memorials into your GPS device 

Hill 60 memorial
Hill 60 memorial
The Canadians at Hill 60 During the night of the 3-4th April 1916 the Canadian Corps took over the sector...
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Vimy Ridge memorial
Panel 1 In the weeks running up to the 9th April 1917, the 15th Battalion Canadian Infantry was billeted...
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St Julien memorial
On 22 April 1915, elements of the German Fourth Army attacked the northern shoulder of the Ypres salient,...
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Canal-du-Nord memorial with wreaths and flowers
Canal du Nord memorial
Monument erected by the 48th Highlanders’ 15th Battalion CEF Memorial Project to commemorate the...
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Festubert memorial
Following the chlorine gas attack and heavy defensive righting in the Ypres Salient in April 1915, the...
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Crow's Nest memorial
Crow's Nest memorial
On August 26th, 1918, only weeks after its costly victory at Amiens, the Canadian Corps advanced from...
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Thiepval Ridge memorial
Monument erected by the 48th Highlanders’ 15th Battalion CEF Memorial Project to commemorate the...
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Observatory Ridge Memorial
“The mad crescendo runs On the woeful waiting ones The huddled world in waiting ‘Neath the Guns.” Throughout...
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Gravenstafel Ridge memorial
On 22 April 1915, elements of the German Fourth Army attacked the northern shoulder of the Ypres Salient,...
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Hill 70 memorial
Hill 70 memorial
­In June 1917, Field Marshal Douglas Haig, Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force, ordered...
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Amiens memorial
Amiens memorial
THE BATTLE OF AMIENS 15th Battalion (48th Highlanders of Canada) 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Canadian...
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