Western Front 1917

Beginning with January and February trench tours in the Calonne sector, the 15th Battalion spent most of 1917 in France.

In March the battalion moved to the area west of Vimy at Mont St Eloi, Neuville St Vaast and the Maison  Blanche tunnels during the build-up to the attack on Vimy ridge. The unit was one of the first wave assault battalions during the successful attack on April 9th against Vimy Ridge and spent the reminder of that month up until mid-July in the same area in actions at Thelus, Farbus Wood, Willerval, Arleux and along The Scarpe river area.

The battalion then moved to the Loos sector and again was a first wave assault unit during the successful Corps attack against Hill 70 on August 15-16. It remained in the general Loos area conducting trench tours in the Laurent and Avion sectors before moving once again back to Belgium and the Ypres salient in late-Oct as the Canadian Corps joined the offensive at Passchendaele. Following the capture of Passchendaele, the battalion returned to France and finished out the year in the Lens sector.

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