Senior Non-commissioned Officers

Names in red indicate died/killed. Names in blue indicate taken prisoner. Click HERE to see a gallery of some of the Senior NCOs who served. At Valcartier September 1914 Panoramic image of the 15th Battalion taken just prior to departure from Valcartier camp September 1914 A Coy Col Sgt J Keith Sgt CS Burness Sgt […]

Regimental Sergeants Major

Rank Badge 1914 – 1916 WO 1 badge Rank Badge 1916 + RSM rank badge Click image to learn more about each RSM on our museum web site Sgt-Maj W.H. Grant, MVO 1914 – 1916 (Left) RSM (WOI) J. Keith, DCM 1916 (Top centre)  RSM (WOI) W. Fraser, DCM 1916 – 1917 (Right) RSM (WOI) […]


We have not attempted to list all officers who served in the 15th battalion through the war. Rather, we provide below a series of “snapshots” for each year of the war. For many years we have a photo (with as many names as possible identified) and a listing showing the organizational structure of the battalion […]

Commanding Officers

Click image to learn more on our museum web site The Commanding Officer of an infantry battalion was an officer holding the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.  An officer of a lower rank, in certain circumstances, could also command the battalion and he may or may not have been temporarily promoted to Lieutenant Colonel rank while so employed. The […]

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