134TH BN CEF: 1915-1918​

134th battalion cap badge 4 Dec 1915 authorized to stand up LCol Duncan Commanding Officer Jan 1916 recruiting commences with 1200 on strength by 22 Feb Billeted at CNE Horticulture building barracks 16 May Bn moves to Camp Niagara and from there to Camp Borden LCol Miller new CO and Maj Allan DCOList of Bn […]

92nd Battalion CEF: 1915-1917

92nd battalion cap badge August 1915 authorization to stand-up, recruit and commence training Composition: three companies 48th and one company 91st Regiment (Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada) ,Hamilton Decision made to identify one company (3 platoons 48 and 1 platoons 48th and 1 platoon ASH of C) ) as a Reinforcing Draft and dispatch it […]

Sister battalions and 48th Drafts

Click to learn more 92nd Battalion, Toronto 1915 Click to learn more 134th Battalion, Toronto,1916 48th Drafts In addition to the 92nd and 134th Battalions, and the 92nd Battalion Reinforcing draft, the home Regiment (the 48th Highlanders) also recruited many men for other CEF Battalions. The first draft raised after the departure of the 15th […]

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