Canadian troops in captured trenches on Mount Sorrel
No. 4 Company, 15th Battalion coming out of the line following Hill 70.
Vimy Cross memorial patterned after the original wooden cross now in the Regimental museum
A section of the barbed wire defenses of the Hindenburg Line. (LAC)
15th Battalion Bugler sounds The Last Post at the burial of Lt E Ryrie July 1917
The 15th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, was one of three battalions raised for service during World War I by the 48th Highlanders of Canada. The Regiment perpetuates the 15th Battalion and its 21 Battle Honours. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
The 15th Battalion Memorial Project was initiated in 2007 with a simple objective: to commemorate all of the members of our Regiment who served, especially those who gave their lives, in the 15th Battalion C.E.F during The Great War 1914-1918. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
Terry Pratchett