Donors – UK

Individual donors David Maxwell-Scott Anthony Goddard Corporate donors

Donors – France

Individuals M. Bruno Marquaille Municipalities Click a logo to get travel information. Festubert Benifontaine Marquion Courcelette Hendecourt Warvillers Organizations Click a logo to go to the supporter’s web site. VNF Nord Loos-en-Goehelle Museum Somme Battlefield Pipe Band Durand Group

Donors – Belgium

Individuals M. Freddy DeClerk M. Guy Guwez Mevr. Wed. Callens-Huyghe Erwin Ureel Organizations Click a logo to go to the supporter’s web site. Last Post Association City of Leper (Ypres) Field Marshal Haig’s Own Pipes and Drums MEMORIAL MUSEUM PASSCHENDAELE 1917 Langemark – Poelkapelle Varlet Farm The Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery Visitors Centre In Flanders Fields […]

Donors – Canada

St Julien and Gravenstafel John Newman The Crow’s Nest                             Donald Antoine James Baillie Geordie Beal Blair Carbert Robert Darling William Darling William DeHarte Mark Dube Christine Featherstone Steve Gilbert Vic Goldman Donald Greer Hugh Guthrie Anatol von Hahn William Jensen William Lambert Ann Lang […]


The 15th Battalion Memorial Project is forever indebted to those individuals and organizations without whose generous donations and support the Project would not have been possible. All funds for the Project were and are raised from charitable donations made by individual Canadians; associations and several businesses and corporations. Support to the project has also been […]

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