Donors – Canada

St Julien and Gravenstafel

  • John Newman

The Crow’s Nest                            

  • Donald Antoine
  • James Baillie
  • Geordie Beal
  • Blair Carbert
  • Robert Darling
  • William Darling
  • William DeHarte
  • Mark Dube
  • Christine Featherstone
  • Steve Gilbert
  • Vic Goldman
  • Donald Greer
  • Hugh Guthrie
  • Anatol von Hahn
  • William Jensen
  • William Lambert
  • Ann Lang
  • John Lowndes
  • Tom McKean
  • John Newman
  • Katherine Newman
  • Dann Oliver
  • George Pearce
  • Richard Read
  • Alec Shipman
  • George Turner
  • Jilla and Robert Williams Foundation
  • Greg Young
  • 48th Highlanders IODE
  • 48th Highlanders Continuing Sergeants Association
  • 48th Highlanders Officer’s Association

Observatory Ridge

  • James Cassie
  • William Lambert
  • Jean Miso
  • John Newman


  • James Cassie
  • Dytrem
  • Donald Greer
  • Jean Miso
  • John Newman
  • Stephan Tremblay


  • Air Canada Cargo
  • James Baillie
  • Behrend’s Bronze
  • James Cassie
  • Rosemary Dennis
  • Lona Design
  • Gledhill Family
  • John Newman
  • Katherine Newman
  • Mike Scott
  • Scott Stothers
  • George Turner

Hill 70

  • James Cassie
  • Donald Greer
  • John Lowndes
  • Jean Miso
  • John Newman
  • George Turner

Canal du Nord

  • James Cassie
  • Diane Love
  • David Mirvish
  • John Newman

Thiepval Ridge

  • Air Canada Cargo
  • Behrend’s Bronze
  • James Baillie
  • Rosemary Dennis
  • Dytrem
  • Anatol von Hahn
  • Lona Design
  • John Newman
  • Katherine Newman
  • Liz Osmond
  • Mike Scott
  • Scott Stothers
  • Stephan Tremblay
  • George Turner

The Vimy cross

  • The Toronto Foundation Calamor Fund
  • DHL and Purolator Courier
  • HGH Granite
  • Don Aitchison
  • James Baillie
  • Wayne Brown
  • Thomas Chipman
  • Trish Colley
  • Beth Crook
  • Martin Forgie
  • Susan Goodwin
  • Janet Grant
  • Brian Jackson
  • Al Kowalenko
  • Ian Cameron
  • Diane Love
  • Richard Merritt
  • John Newman
  • George Pearce
  • Robert Ronan
  • Colin Rainsbury
  • Richard Read
  • Dennis Sewell
  • Colin Stark
  • William Stark
  • Tommy Thompson

Hill 60

John Newman

Corporate supporters

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