Arras, 1918

26 Aug - 3 Sep 1918
The main square – Grand Place – in Arras 1918.

This campaign battle honour was awarded for active service in the vicinity of Arras, France in 1917 and again in 1918. The battle honour specifically covers actions conducted between 9 April to 4 May 1917 and 26 August to 3 September 1918.

During the 1918 timeframe additional battle honours Hindenberg Line and Drocourt-Queant were awarded. It is significant to note that action at the Crow’s Nest outside Hendecourt on 1 September 1918 is included in this campaign battle honour.

The 48th Highlanders of Canada selected Vimy and Drocourt-Queant for emblazing on the Regimental Colour.

See Arras and Canal du Nord, 1918 on the Canadian War Museum site for more information.

Arras 1918 map


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