Honours and Awards 1918

Image of the Military Cross

January 1918 Honours and Awards Click Here February 1918 Honours and Awards Click Here March 1918 Honours and Awards Click Here April 1918 Honours and Awards Click Here August 1918 Honours and Awards Click Here September 1918 Honours and Awards Click Here October 1918 Honours and Awards Click Here Undated 1918 Honours and Awards Click […]

Honours and Awards 1917

March 1917 Honours and Awards Click Here April – July 1917 Honours and Awards Click Here August 1917 Honours and Awards Click Here Sept – Oct 1917 Honours and Awards Click Here Nov – Dec 1917 Honours and Awards Click Here Undated 1917 Honours and Awards Click Here

Honours and Awards

Awards for Gallantry With the exception of the Victoria Cross (VC) that could be awarded to an individual of any rank, decorations for gallantry in action during this period were segregated with separate decorations being awarded to officers and other ranks.  At the beginning of the First World War, other than the VC the only […]

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