New memorials in Belgium and France

Today and tomorrow (Oct. 22 and 23) memorials will be unveiled in Belgium and France commemorating participation of the 15th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force in two First World War battles.

Today in Ieper (perhaps better recognized as Ypres), Belgium, the city and the 15th Battalion Memorial Project (48th Highlanders of Canada) will unveil and dedicate a memorial to commemorate the Canadian contribution to the counter-attack on Observatory Ridge in June 1915 during the battle for Mount Sorrel.  The Canadians had more than 8,000 casualties in the two-week Battle of Mount Sorrel.

A similar ceremony takes place Sunday in Festubert, France, in commemoration of the battle fought there in May 1915.

Published: October 22, 2011
Publisher / media name: Royal Canadian Legion
Author: Unknown

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